Money Back Guarantee / 退款保证
请注意! 论文代写行业机构那么多, 鱼龙混杂, 大多数公司不提供退款保证. 如果您的订单出现问题或者您对论文不满意, 他们通常不会履行承诺, 钱当然也不会退还给您. 不过在EssayV.com就不一样了, 我们保障消费者权益, 一系列的退款政策让您可以放心享受我们的服务.
Our Money Back Guarantee gives you the right to request and receive a refund at any stage of your order, if anything goes wrong. This includes any possible problems you might encounter, and secures your interests. Our company enjoys a high customer satisfaction rate, while refund requests are rare, which is partly due to our crystal-clear Money Back Guarantee. Quality-based refund requests are reviewed by our specialists and processed within a 14 day period, all other refund requests are processed within 3-4 business days after the order was cancelled/finished.
如果您的订单出现问题, 您在任何阶段都有享受退款的权利. 我们有明确的退款政策保障客户权益, 任何基于质量方面的退款请求都由我们团队进行审核后, 并在14天内进行处理; 其它类型的退款请求也将会在取消/完成订单后的3-4个工作日内处理.
I want to cancel my order 我想取消订单
如果您在我们的导师开始写作之前想取消订单的话, 您将获得100%的全额退款. 如果导师已开始进行写作, 并且完成了部分文章, 我们将根据导师完成的草稿长度, 作部分退款. 若客户需要, 我们将提供写手完成的草稿.
If you want to cancel the order, please make sure to contact our Support Team via phone or Live Chat as soon as possible, and then confirm the cancellation with a message on the respective order page. This is the only way we can process your request shortly.
如果您确定要取消订单, 请及时联系我们的客服人员, 然后在相应的订单页面上确认取消. 我们的售后团队会高效处理您的请求的.
Please note that you cannot receive a refund for order cancellation if the paper has been completed and delivered to your order page on time. If the paper has been delivered within the deadline you stipulate and pay for, you can only request a refund due to quality concerns, through the “Refund” button on your order page.
请注意, 如果论文按时完成并且已经发送给您的话, 我们是无法退款的. 除非论文质量出现问题, 我们的专业人员审核之后, 再与您协商退款.
I paid for one order twice 我付款了两次
如果您发现不小心付了两次费用, 请及时与我们取得联系. 只需将付款证明发送给我们, 我们团队将立刻为您处理, 多收的款项我们会在最短时间内全额退还的.
Please note that you cannot receive a refund for order cancellation if the paper has been completed and delivered to your order page on time. If the paper has been delivered within the deadline you stipulate and pay for, you can only request a refund due to quality concerns, through the “Refund” button on your order page.
请注意, 如果论文按时完成并且已经发送给您的话, 我们是无法退款的. 除非论文质量出现问题, 我们的专业人员审核之后, 再与您协商退款.
I accidentally placed two identical orders 不小心下了两个相同的订单
如果您下了两个相同的订单, 请及时与我们联系并说明情况. 我们在指派导师处理订单前,客户是有权利取消不需要或错下的订单的. 如果您不联系我们处理的话, 将视为常规订单, 退款程序也按照标准政策来(详情查看“我想取消订单”).
No writer was found to work on my order 匹配不到合适作家
我们会为客户指派最合适的导师来完成订单; 但也有极少数找不到合适导师的可能性. 如果发生这种情况, 我们将会全额退款.
If you request for the revision of the finished paper to be completed by a different writer, and a suitable one is not found, our Dispute Resolution Specialist reviews your claim and proceeds with an appropriate refund after you request it.
如果您要求由另外的导师修改已完成的论文, 而我们没有找到合适的; 那么我们团队需要进行审核后, 对您的订单进行适当的退款.
My paper was late 论文没有按时交付
如果是因为客户材料问题而导致没能按时完成论文, 那么您是无法申请退款的. 请确保下订单时提供所有论文详细信息和相关材料.
If due to some other reason the first version of a paper is delivered after the original deadline, you can request recalculation of the order price, according to the deadline for delivery.
如果因为其它原因, 论文初稿没能在原来规定的时间内交付, 您可以根据最后期限, 要求我们重新计算订单价格.
If the first version of a paper is late and is not approved by you, you are eligible for a full refund as you might not need the paper anymore.
如果我们在您不知晓的情况下, 没能按时交付论文初稿, 您是有资格享受全额退款的.
All lateness refund requests should be submitted in a note on your personal order page, within 14 days from the time the paper was delivered.
所有退款申请都应在论文交稿后的14天内提交申请, 这样我们才能及时处理; 逾期我们将不予处理.
The revision of my paper was late 论文修改的晚交了
退款保证和价格重新计算等制度是不适用于论文修改的情况; 每个订单的修改截止日期都是单独设置的.
Make sure your writer has a sufficient amount of time to complete your order. For example, if your paper is due in 10 days, choose a 7-day deadline so we have time for any possible revisions.
为了确保导师有足够的时间来完成您的订单, 选择deadline的时候请预留修改的时间. 例如,您的论文需要10天后上交给导师, 那么截止日期请选择7天, 以便我们有充足的时间进行修改工作.
I am not fully satisfied with the quality of the paper. However, I accept it and will revise it myself. I request a partial refund. 论文质量不是很满意, 我会自行修改; 但是要求部分退款
如果您对收到的论文质量不满意, 可以指定其他导师负责, 进行免费修改; 如果您想自行修改, 但是要求补发退款, 请在14天内联系我们客服进一步沟通.
If you choose this option, you are automatically provided with the MS Word version of the paper. You then have 14 days to provide strong reasons and examples to back up your claim, or your own revised version of our paper as supporting evidence. As soon as you do that, up to 40% could be refunded at the Dispute Department’s discretion.
如果选择需要部分退款, 您需要提供修改后的论文MS Word版本; 您有14天的时间向我们提供证明, 或者也可以将自己修订之后的版本作为证据. 您发起申请后, 我们需要经过审核, 如果没有问题, 我们会退还最多40%的款项.
Failure to provide information required for dispute resolution within 14 days results in cancellation of the dispute, after which no refund is possible.
如果您未能在14天内提供解决问题所需的信息和证明, 那么退款申请将会失效, 之后无法重新处理.
All partial refund requests should be submitted within 14 days from the time the paper is approved.
所有退款申请都应在论文交付后的14天内提交申请; 一旦逾期不予处理.
I received my completed paper, but forgot to approve it 我收到了已完成的论文, 但是忘记批准了
请注意, 您有14天的时间来Approve您的订单. 从最终稿上传至您个人后台系统开始, 审批时间自动开始计算. 如果您未能在14天内要求修改或Approve订单, 系统将自动批准. 从订单被批准的那一刻起(不管是手动还是自动), 您都有14天的时间申请退款. 一旦过了这个时间, 就不享有退款权利了.
Failure to provide information required for dispute resolution within 14 days results in cancellation of the dispute, after which no refund is possible.
如果您未能在14天内提供解决问题所需的信息和证明, 那么退款申请将会失效, 之后无法重新处理.
All partial refund requests should be submitted within 14 days from the time the paper is approved.
所有退款申请都应在论文交付后的14天内提交申请; 一旦逾期不予处理.